Monday, June 27, 2011

Do we really have to cheer for this haircut?

This is Wild first round draft pick Jonas Brodin. He is from Sweden, so tht whole Europe thing might forgive some of the issues with this bizarre head of hair. Some immediate thoughts:
- Given how deep the part on his right side is, you almost have to think there is some comb over action going on
- But then, it's all slicked... over. The amount of product (or sweat, or water) in his hair make it look like the hair should be slicked back. But no. It's swept to his left.
- None of the previous issues would BE issues, of course, were his hair not so long. IT would just look nerdy if it was cropped short and parted severely on one side. But no. He has the hockey mullet thing going on, if the hockey mullet wrapped around his head .

Jonas better hope he is better at hockey than hair cuts, is all I'm saying.

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