A few things to savor from Euro 2008

Before work today, I was left with a little free time (yes, I work weekends. And yes, I work so late in the day that I have free time before work. And no, I'm not going to start posting earlier in the day). I flipped through the standbys, like ESPN, FSN, The Weather Channel (just in case Sarah Libby is working. Or Bill Keneely), CNN. I rested on ESPN2, which was airing some first round action from the Euro 08 Football (soccer) Championship. Now, I understand that a lot of people here aren't the biggest soccer fans, or you only watch during the World Cup (which, by the way is almost all European teams anyways, so this is pretty much the same thing, right?), so I'm just going to share some of the enjoyable take home moments of the little bit of Austria-Croatia that I saw. Historic rivals.
- Even though Croatia is so much better a team (to the point that even I know that they are a much better team), the score was 1-0, so the game was never really out of reach, and Croatia couldn't well let up.
- A lot of agonized looks while rolling around on the ground, faking an injury.
- This guy.
- The picture seen above.
- At one point, one of the Austrians was just screaming at one of the Croatians. Why? What purpose does that serve? I can't imagine that the Austrian was yelling in Croatian? Or that all Croatians also understand German?
- On that same note, nobody can argue with the ref!
- Some very Irish announcer was promoting the evenings NBA Finals game, and he sounded really excited about it. Well, naturally, what with the Celtics being involved.
- The same guy calling the Celtics' star player "Kevin GAREnit".
I'm really looking forward to Tuesday when we get to see Sweden take the field for the first time, taking on Russia. Wait. Diving Swedes and Russians?! It'll be just like a Wings-Avs game!
Labels: Soccer, Too many parenthesees
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