Baseball starts in less than 2 weeks

Shelley Duncan is crotch-cleatingly excited for the baseball season to start. Is there a better metaphor for the AL east than that picture right there? The New York Yankees kicking one of the best players on the Rays (Akinori Iwamura) right in the jubs?
In any event, we'll be going ahead with baseball preview posts almost every day until the season starts, save for a few basketball tournament posts. It should be a good time. Better than Iwamura had today, anyways.
Of all teams to get caught in a bench-clearing brawl, I'm amused that it's the Yankees and the Devil Rays. I'm not sure if this is a testement to how good the Devil Rays have gotten, or a testement about how worried the Yankees are about their season.
Of course I know it's the Rays now, and not the Devil Rays. However, I'm a crabby old lady, and I refuse to accept the change of name.
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