Saturday, February 16, 2008

Wider is Better!

I think Ryan has been hinting that I should do this for a while, and I finally got around to it. I made some format changes to the blog, as you can see. It's now much wider than it was before so it allows us to put in bigger pictures and makes the readers have to scroll down a lot less while reading the posts. Also, there are slightly less flowers visible now in the background...but I just had to leave them in for old times sake. The links also got a much needed cleanup, with a better format and easy to read titles. Even though blogger decided to add the probably easier to use layout format now to edit templates, I decided to still do this the old school html code way. Partly because I like a challenge, and partly because I was sure I'd lose the ballhype, e-refferer, and add links if I upgraded the template. Let us know what you think!



Blogger Rachel said...

Very nice! The Rachel's Mess link can be removed from the "Off Topic" list. I quit blogging. :)

7:07 PM  
Blogger thisisbeth said...

:sulk: It's too wide for my Firefox window when I'm at home. I have to scroll over to read the full post.

I'm pretty sure I'll live, though.

1:22 PM  

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