Friday, July 07, 2006


It's been another heated debate between Celine Dion and the Three Rivers Park District rages on. And now, just like a good editor, she's attacking people who write to her in the letters to the editor. For example, one woman wrote saying that she thought a dog park would be "a wonderful idea". Celine responded by saying that she missed the point. An ally of Celine's stated that the intersection in question was not a particularly dangerous one (proving that an administrative body is has a better grasp on a town than a bitter newspaper editor) and the appeal not to open the dog park was shot down. So that is the biased letters to the editor section. Let's see how Celine reported the news.
"Three Rivers Shoves it Forward" So its nice to see that Celine didn't interject any part of her personal opinion into this dog park issue. In this section, Celine gives us two dated segments concerning the dog part, the first involving a city council meeting saying that they had discussed with the park department the safety at Kochia and Highway 5, which until the subject had been brought up had been a safe intersection, except, perhaps, for a few bad drivers. A $250,000 project on Highway 5 from Victoria to Norwood was in the works, but 1) for a stretch of road that long, a quarter million is reasonable, so the Park shouldn't feel guilty and 2) IT's NOT A DANGEROUS INTERSECTION! and finally 3) the intersection isn't the Park Commission's problem in the first place. The second dated section was by Celine's good buddy, councilwoman Kim Roden, who she has protected from unflattering press in the past, and it was a letter directly to the Parks Commission after Celine didn't get her way.
Here's what I think happened. Ms. Dion is unhappy more with the growth of our beautiful town, and she wants things to stay exactly as they have been. She wants the town to be exclusive to only Schmiegs, Diethelms and Notermanns and other conservative Catholics. She wants everyone in town to believe exactly what she does, so she can be the voice of the people. The sad thing is, Celine still is the voice of the town's only newspaper. I hope that people can figure out the unbiased pros and cons of issues in Victoria. Or better yet, since I don't want to get all activist, take your dog for a walk and say hi to Celine for me. - Ryan


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha not related to your post at all but i do find it hilarious that "ads by google" has put up links for reds merchandise

9:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.

7:54 AM  

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