Monday, December 06, 2010

Cooking with Ryan: Spinach Pilaf

I am a disaster in the kitchen. The food tastes fine, but I could not be messier. It all started with an onion. My butter melted a lot faster than I thought it would, to the point it was boiling. I diced the onions and through them in haphazardly, then went to portion out the spices. The spices wouldn't open, wouldn't pour like I wanted them to, and eventually my struggle to get them open meant I had turmeric and cumin all over my kitchen, and not in the pilaf. I had coriander already, and I was successful adding that to the saucepan. I don't think this was supposed to taste overwhelmingly of coriander.
So, eventually I had my unevenly seasoned... sauce?... and I poured it into the cooked rice. I was mixing it into the rice, caught something with my rubber stir thingy and flipped a wad of rice and spice all over the floor, which was awesome. So now I have butter, spices, and rice all over my kitchen. The good news is, the wilting of the spinach went VERY well.
A few lessons learned. 1) More spinach. 2) Bacon would have been perfect for this dish. 3) something that I put in there turns fluorescent red when sprayed with Fantastik. I felt like I was on CSI



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