Saturday, November 01, 2008

Purdue is a basketball school

Today, Purdue did something they have typically had a tough time with, beating Michigan. My shift this morning got over just in time for the end of the game. My coworker Jon and I were able to catch the end of the game on the work TV. Jon is a huge Michigan fan.
Purdue ended up with the victory, as I said, 48-42. As the seconds ticked off the clock, Jon and I simply said our goodbyes. He went to work, I came home and wrote a half assed links post. That's what Purdue's season (and to a lesser extent, Michigan's) has come to. General disinterest. We were both only watching because we felt obligated. When we found out the result, we were neither excited nor disappointed. It was just a football game. How it ended was irrelevant. After spending a good 6 years of my life with Purdue football an exciting part of my life, they now fill me with ennui.

On that note, two more weeks until basketball season!

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